Friday, December 5, 2008

Black Leather Kneehigh Boots

Back to Knkinboots for today's post, a short clip of black leather kneehigh boots and blue jeans, uploaded to YouTube in December 2007.

The video begins with our host sitting on a sofa, wearing a dark top, blue jeans and black pantyhose. On the sofa beside her is a pair of black leather knee high boots. Taking the first boot, she places it on the wooden floor with a solid clonk, and slips her foot into it. These boots have been well polished, and light from the camera reflects in their leather surface as it is manipulated for us.

Sound quality is pretty good in this boots video, enabling us to hear as her nylon-covered toes swish / slide into her boot, and the leather creaks as it is tugged into place around her jeans. The zip is similarly audible, its teeth meshing slowly and deliberately as she draws it gently but firmly closed.

The process is repeated with the second boot, again treating us to the unmistakable sound of pantyhose sliding into a leather boot, with the advantage that, this time, we can see her foot forcing its way deep into the leather tube of her boot. With a final surge, the boot is on and the model defly wraps her jeans closely around her leg before beginning to zip her knee boot closed. Again, the sound of creaking leather is clearly present as the zip forces it to firmly embrace her leg.

This boot clip ends with our host posing on the sofa, both boots, now fully in place and zipped closed, on the ground before her. We have a brief opportunity to inspect their trim and note their stiletto heels, the gleam of black leather and the shapely form of the legs encased within them, but a longer, closer view would have been very welcome.

Overall, I liked this video - very sexy boots, a nice setting, clear images and good sound all combine to make a video of boots that is easy to watch. It could have been improved by making it a little longer and including some closeup shots of the boots, but it's still pretty good. Check it out!

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